This is the first blog post for Athanor Public Affairs and I’m keeping it short, I promise.
My name is Dan Whitten and I spent 17 years breaking stories on energy, climate, transportation and trade for Bloomberg News, Platts and others. For the last 13 years, I have run, or helped run communications and public affairs shops for the former America’s Natural Gas Alliance and the Solar Energy Industries Association. I know how to draw attention, handle a crisis and get advocacy wins.
Our main services are developing communications campaigns focused on supporting your climate and energy advocacy goals. You can have the best lobbyists, regulatory affairs specialists and researchers in the world, but if you aren’t telling your story to targeted audiences such as influencers, allies, members or customers, shareholders and the relevant media, you are missing a huge opportunity. Advocacy communications could be your ticket to winning policy battles.
So, what’s with the name Athanor Public Affairs?

My father wrote a book called The Alchemist. An athanor is a furnace that alchemists use to turn lead into gold. Now I’m not promising I am going to turn your communications and advocacy challenges from lead to gold, but it’s entirely possible.
I have a network of experts and specialists ready to serve your needs now and I can help you make connections. I have big aspirations. I am not building this firm to be a lone purveyor of the dark arts, despite this homage to my father’s protagonist. If I don’t create a company made up of first-class talent helping you with your energy, climate and trade advocacy needs, then I have misjudged the market.
I think a lot of folks need what we offer, so reach out to me at [email protected].
Let’s make it happen.